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How Improving Your School’s Social Media Impacts Student Voice and Enrollment

By July 7, 20201 min read

We know it’s important for schools to be active on social media and hear from a variety of voices, including students. The benefits of involving students in your social media content strategy include elevating student voice but it can also make your school more marketable.

We reached out to Josh Allen to talk about how they’re using social media as a way to tell their school’s story. Josh is the Technology Integration Specialist for Lewis Central Community Schools in Council Bluffs, IA. In addition, he manages the LewisCentralCSD social media profiles for the district. 

During this video, you will learn:

  • How Josh built his social media internship program and how that could be a recruitment tool. 
  • Why utilizing various tools like Class Intercom is essential especially if you are the only person running communications at your school.
  • How social media allows you to tell important stories especially during a pandemic. It communicates to current students, potential students and alumni how the school is growing and the wonderful opportunities available at your school.

To watch the full program, click HERE.