Archiving and Preparing for Social Media FOIA Requests
Administrators | Digital Citizenship | PR Professionals
3 Ways Your School Can Prepare for a Social Media FOIA Request
Administrators | Blog | Digital Leadership
It’s no secret that COVID-19 is presenting new challenges for schools especially when it comes to public relations and social…
How to Build an Efficient Social Media Approval Process for Your School
Administrators | Blog | PR Professionals
Creating and scheduling social media posts at your school can be very challenging especially if you have a small team.…
How to Move Your School’s Social Media Forward in a Budget Crunch
Administrators | Blog | Educators
We know that this is a really important time for schools to continue to share their stories. With so much…
5 Ways to Improve Your School’s Social Media Response Plan
Administrators | Blog | PR Professionals
With the initial chaos of the unprecedented educational shift behind us, schools across the country have been working diligently on…
CGTV Episode 010 | Shout Out to the Person Watching This
CGTV | Educators | Skill Building
Your school year was cut short. No matter what point in life you’re in right now, stop what you’re doing…
Self-Care in the New Normal
Educators | PR Professionals | Skill Building
How Schools are Communicating COVID-19 on Social Media
PR Professionals | Skill Building | Webinar
CGTV Episode 007 | Creator’s Block
CGTV | Educators | Skill Building
It’s 8am. You’re sitting at home in your PJ’s with your cup of coffee. You’re ready for a productive day.…
CGTV Episode 006 | This New Normal
CGTV | Educators | Skill Building
Let’s get real about this whole situation. It’s not ideal and it’s difficult for everyone to adjust to learning and…