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School Spotlight: Norris Middle School

By September 9, 20192 min read

Middle School Students Using Social Media

School Name: Norris Middle School
Location: Firth, Nebraska
How many students are enrolled at your school? There are about 600 enrolled at the middle school and 2500 across campus.

School Social Media Profiles

For this school spotlight, we interviewed Jason Cullison. Jason teaches English, Media Productions, and Video News. Here’s our Q & A with Jason.

School Spotlight Questions:

  1. What’s an interesting fact about you? I coach wrestling.
  2. What’s your favorite social media platform and why? It’s too hard to decide! I love to use Twitter for following sports and Instagram for informing parents and middle school kids. I do enjoy Facebook but I really love Instagram because of all the different features!
  3. How long have you been in your position? This will be my 13th year at NMS.
  4. What problem has Class Intercom helped you solve? It’s helped spread out content so that students don’t over-post. I love that I can moderate the content so that it’s timely and well thought out.
  5. How are you using Class Intercom at your school? Students are assigned different types of posts to create. We also use it to post stories and videos on Instagram because we love IGTV!
  6. Do you involve students in social media creation? If yes, why? I believe it sets them up for future career success. Also, they can teach me! If you empower them, they will figure it out. We all learned something new from the process and that’s the world that they live in. It’s about letting them be creators and learning from them. It’s the greatest thing ever because they become great creators and they have better ideas than I do most of the time!
  7. Do you have any social media posts that you consider successful or are extremely proud of? The fact that students want to be involved, really speaks for itself. This Instagram post featuring our cross country team was really popular. I’m also extremely proud of our Norris MS News YouTube channel. We have a newly updated green screen room and it serves as our production studio. Students love being able to work in the studio and it gives them hands-on experience producing a news show.