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School Spotlight: Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

By February 7, 20193 min read

School: Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Location: University Heights, OH

Enrollment: 5,200 Students


Social Media Profiles:

Facebook: Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District

Twitter: @CHUHSchools

Our Class Intercom School Spotlight is with Scott Wortman, the Supervisor of Communications at Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District (CHUH). Cleveland Heights has an interesting story to tell because their communications team is utilizing Class Intercom. CHUH is an inner ring of suburbs of Cleveland and they dedicate an entire team of professionals that manage the brand and story of the school. CHUH focuses on content to create the narrative of the district.

How has Class Intercom helped CHUH manage social content?

We are very intentional about what we post when we post, and how we post. So the idea of having a platform to manage our social media as a team, that allowed us to create consist content, schedule it, and have everyone there to see what’s out there and what’s upcoming has been the best thing about Class Intercom. It has helped us manage our workflow in a strategic way. We can go in and create one post that we can put on Facebook and Twitter, and then schedule it when we want to.

What problem has Class Intercom helped you solve?

Before Class Intercom, our content was in pieces. We would write the article, post it, go to facebook, schedule it, go to TweetDeck, write the tweet and schedule that, but to have it all in one place really saves you time and helps with the consistency and the management. For example, with some platforms, you can’t edit your original post and then you have to start all over, so I really like the ability to go back in and edit things more than once for quality control.

When did you realize you needed a product like Class Intercom?

As a school district, we realize the need for a professional tone. We like to separate our media, so if we have the same content going out on Twitter and Facebook, we like to change it up and maybe say each post a little differently. Class Intercom gives us the platform to do this and still creates a unified brand and voice because we schedule these posts ahead of time, and think about how to create similar messages on different platforms. We want to have consistent content, so the wording may change, but the tone has to stay the same.

Also, the more I looked into it, it was attractive in two ways. From a professional standpoint, it helps the workflow. From a school district standpoint, I like the idea of pulling students in. My goal is to pull in a team of students that help tell the story of the high school. Where they can take over for a day or a week to share content that we don’t have access to an adult, but we can still have quality control over it.

Three ways Class Intercom has improved your school’s social media?

  1. Creates strategic workflow and time management.
  2. Having the ability to edit and schedule content in one location works really well for our team.
  3. The potential opportunity for students to get involved that they wouldn’t otherwise have.