Dr. Shana Henry on Forming Authentic Connections with Middle School Students
Administrators | Community Building | Digital Leadership
Due to COVID-19, schools have shifted the way they communicate and how they respond. For Dr. Henry, the plan…
Do’s and Don’ts of Digital Leadership in the New Normal
Administrators | Blog | Digital Citizenship
As we’ve said before, being a good digital leader is no longer an option, but truly essential when working in…
Aaron Davis on the Power of Attitude
Administrators | Digital Leadership | PR Professionals
Take it from Aaron Davis: Attitude is everything. We're live to talk about staying positive, approaching and overcoming challenges, and…
Self-Care in the New Normal
Educators | PR Professionals | Skill Building
Lessons for Digital Citizenship during COVID-19
Administrators | Blog | Case Study
Like many of you, I have been watching my social media feed and it’s filled with news of COVID-19. And…
How Schools are Communicating COVID-19 on Social Media
PR Professionals | Skill Building | Webinar
Reclaiming Your School’s Identity
Administrators | Blog | Digital Citizenship
Lost in the whirlwind of setting up the new home office, organizing Zoom calls, adapting curriculum and managing a whole…
Developing Content Creators from a Distance
Administrators | Educators | PR Professionals
Communicating without Fear
Community Building | Digital Citizenship | PR Professionals
As schools and educators across the country take on building trust with students, parents, staff and their community through social…
Education without Fear
Administrators | Announcement | Blog
Rarely have I been angry at a conference speaker. Oh sure, sometimes I disagree, but last week, I listened while…
CGTV Episode 004 | Assemble Your Squad
Administrators | CGTV | Educators
You want to start a social media team at your school, but where in the world do you start? In…