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School Spotlight: Davidson Academy

By December 12, 20182 min read

School: Davidson Academy (DA)

Location: Nashville, TN

Enrollment: Pre-K-12; 725+ students; 70+ staff


Social Media Profiles:

Facebook: DavidsonAcademy

Twitter: davidsonacademy

Instagram: davidsonacademy


We interviewed Michele Niec, Marketing/PR Director at Davidson Academy, and she told us about the incredible strides her students and school have been able to take by utilizing Class Intercom as an education tool.

How Class Intercom has helped DA empower students to create social content?

It gives our students the opportunity to learn how to communicate across multiple platforms. I can teach students how to tell the same story in 3 or 4 different ways because there are 3 or 4 different social media platforms that they can tell a story on.

Example of a Student Social Media Takeover here.

What problem has Class Intercom helped you solve?

It is allowing me as a one-person department, to tell all of the stories of Davidson Academy, through multiple eyes, and through a different vision. It’s allowing my department to be everywhere at once so that we are hearing and seeing and knowing what’s going on because ultimately your existing base, our community, and teachers, are our marketers because when they are happy they will tell other people. So everyone can be your salesperson and it’s allowing people to tell more stories.

When did you realize you needed a product like Class Intercom?

What I found was, the only stories that got told were the popular ones, and we weren’t telling the stories of everyone from pre-k to our graduating seniors. I could only tell the stories I was around for. I felt like I was running around and trying to overcompensate to tell all these stories because I wanted to be everywhere at once. It became a 24/7 job because it’s not just about the story, you have to monitor comments, and that your message is coming across clearly.

Three ways Class Intercom has improved your school’s social media?

  1. Created a consistent brand and voice for our school
  2. Engaged students in a way that they feel like they can own their story and tell it correctly
  3. Built a platform that highlights all different corners of our school

To learn more about how you can start using Class Intercom at your school request a demo.