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Innovative Social Media Initiatives by 20 Students and Teachers Awarded

By April 4, 20224 min read

The 2022 Content Generation AwardⓇ Showcases School Social Media Communications

Social media has gotten a bad rap this past year; however, social media communications continue to grow and thrive, especially by those who are fearlessly facing the unknown head on with positive and innovative approaches to educating students in best practices for digital media use. Social media is not going away, so harnessing the power for good is reaping benefits in schools nationwide.

Student and Educator nominations for the 2022 Content Generation Award proved this through not only a record number of submissions but also in the range of people and projects. A few of my highlights include:

1. When given the opportunity, students live up to and exceed our expectations. 

Anika Smith, a senior at Lewis Central Community Schools, was charged with creating hype videos for athletics to post on social media. Her work evolved into highlighting a fundraiser night for a student battling cancer. She took clips from the game, the crowd, and players, as well as other aspects of the night. With her footage she made a recap video that was shared across all major social media platforms. Her work showcased how the district and its opponent rallied around the family.

Liam, student at Corpus Christi Catholic School, interviews a peer for "Cougar Conversations."

Fifth grader, Liam Lindgren, utilizes his creativity, filming, editing, and self-taught production skills to promote his school through social media. “I don’t know how many elementary schools use Class Intercom,” said Ms. Maureen Doherty, “however, here at Corpus Christi Catholic School, it is thriving!”

Cougar Conversations is a weekly feature on our school’s social media page. Liam creates, directs, films, and produces these videos. Liam’s dedication to the social media club has created enthusiasm among other members of the club. 

Read more student social media examples here.

2. Educators continue to enhance their classrooms with creative and innovative approaches to education.

G.W. Carver Middle School’s and Indian Spring Middle School’s Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Clair Chapman, is doing incredible work supporting her students’ academic, social, and emotional needs.

She created a social media club that teaches students to use social networking platforms in a positive way. Students learn about posting content to promote school events on campus.

Chapman and other staff members on campus started an incentive for students to participate in #TikTokTuesday. So many kids took interest and got involved that a social media club was formed.

She’s helping students develop skills for emotional regulation, conflict resolution, positive decision making, and peer relationships.

Ed Liegl, College and Career Coordinator at Meridian CUSD 223, in Stillman Valley, Illinois, leverages social media to promote the “Power of 15.” This initiative is borne from research denoting that students that leave high school with 15 hours of college credit have a much greater chance at post-secondary success than their counterparts.

By leveraging video, student voice, and social media Meridian CUSD 223 have been able to broadcast this message far and wide and engage their students, families, and key stakeholder partners to increase their enrollment and offerings in dual credit classes.

Read more educator social media examples here.

3. Communities rally around the success of their people.

Students and educators from an accredited school were invited to apply or be nominated for The 2022 Content GenerationAward. Following the two-week nomination period, an internal committee determined the student and educator finalists using a rubric based on the four categories of creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. Finalists were notified and a public voting period was held online March 21-25 to select the winners and runner ups. A total of 10,745 votes were cast in the five-day voting window. 

Winners were announced publicly via social media on March 30. Each educator received a Mobile video bundle kit, Class Intercom swag, a certificate of award, and an exclusive invitation to write a blog for Class Intercom. Student winners received Class Intercom swag, a certificate of award, an exclusive invitation to write a blog for Class Intercom, and for qualifying winners, a lifetime membership to the Quill and Scroll International Journalism Honor Society along with a graduation honor cord.

We are delighted to honor both educators and students for the excellent work they are doing to enhance the educational experience. By sharing their stories, we hope to inspire others to use innovative, research-based techniques in their approach to teaching and learning.

Use a social media team to empower your people, unify your school, secure your content, and generate your story.

This How to Guide for Building a Team of Content Creators will help you generate more and better quality content from a wide range of perspectives allowing you to tell a richer and more vibrant story for your school district, all while keeping your staff and student information safe and secure. Learn to organize, recruit, train, retain, and sustain a social media team.

Empower your people. Unify your school. Secure your content. Generate your story. This How to Guide for Building a Team of Content Creators will help you generate more and better quality content from a wide range of perspectives allowing you to tell a richer and more vibrant story for your school district, all while keeping your staff and students information safe and secure. Learn to organize, recruit, train, retain, and sustain a school social media team.
Jill Johnson

Over her 30 year career in education, Dr. Jill has served in various roles including secondary ELA teacher, professional development consultant, and high school administrator. After completing her doctoral study, Technology Leadership Qualities in Secondary Principals in Nebraska who Support Student-led Social Media Teams, Jill began her tenure as Class Intercom President.