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Lewis Central Creates Authentic and Consistent Social Media Content by Connecting Students and Staff

By May 10, 20183 min read

Emojis are the new language in digital media. While written content is important, visual media has become the most popular form of online engagement. What you could say in 150 characters or less you can now say in three to five emojis while getting the same message across. Regardless, what remains consistent is the fact that both written and visual content are the foundational elements of successful engagement including these three traits: authenticity, consistency, and connection. Each one uniquely essential for schools engagement across their communities.

Which is why, in a world where technology has become the way in which we communicate, it is critical to remain authentic, consistent, and connected with one’s audience. Authentic, because remaining transparent and true to your brand is what attracts individuals to learn more about who you are. Consistent, because individuals can anticipate the type of content you will post. And connected, because a relationship is formed, even online, when consistent and authentic actions are taken.

Class Intercom provides students with the opportunity to engage the online world in a professional and positive manner. With the right tools and an open mind, Class Intercom changes the dynamic between staff and students. As well as the way your school approaches the use of social media.

“I don’t know if we would have gone down this road if it was not for Class Intercom.”

Authentic engagement begins with your students.

Clare Tabor began as a Social Media Intern during her senior year at Lewis Central High School. The use of a social media intern allowed the school to utilize an upper-level student during an open period each day. Guidelines were established for the social media intern to direct her activity and responsibilities. Since beginning this internship, Clare has learned how to schedule posts and create original content for all district schools on multiple online platforms. With the freedom Class Intercom provides, Clare proactively searches for and attends events throughout the entire district, in which informative content is created for their online followers.

“Thanks to Clare,” stated Josh Allen, Technology Integration Specialist at Lewis Central Community Schools, “we have more posts and more original content.”

Consistent content involves your staff.

“I don’t know if we would have gone down this road if it was not for Class Intercom.” Class Intercom not only provides the ease of scheduling posts but also encourages collaboration between staff and students. While Clare plays a pivotal role as the Social Media Intern, Josh Allen proofs and approves all content before it is published. For many schools, there is no designated social media specialist. At Lewis Central, Josh Allen is the main staff advisor who oversees the various media platforms of the district. With the integration of a Social Media Intern and Class Intercom, Lewis Central has seen significant increases in online engagement because of the consistent and authentic content that is shared.

The connection begins with tools and student success.

This is Class Intercom; content creation and connection through social media. The new way to remain relevant and connected online in a world driven by visual media.

Written by Olivia Zamolo