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2022 Content Generation Award Educator Runner Up – John Wilson

By March 21, 20222 min read

Every Mustang Public Schools student is part of a learning community dedicated to meeting each child’s needs through evolving personalized learning experiences and opportunities. We value our rich history of pairing talented staff with quality tools and resources to support each student’s learning, and will continue to do so as we move forward in providing a student-centered education.  

Innovative Instruction – Student 1:1 Program (5-12)  

Mustang’s #WeAreMpowered program is designed to empower MPS students personalized learning, future ready journey. Students in grades 5-12 received a district-owned chromebook to expand access to content and better support high quality instruction.  

#WeAreMpowered expands access to innovative instructional approaches and new learning opportunities, purposefully supported by technology. This includes increased student devices, including a 1:1 student program in grades five through twelve. This initiative supports the development of key student skills and responsibilities necessary to safely and effectively navigate the digital transformation of today and the highly-skilled, technology driven global world of tomorrow.  

MPS is also empowering each teacher with specially designed professional development to support the facilitation, guidance and personalization of student learning with proven and innovative approaches, many supported by technology, to enhance lessons, projects, problem solving and assignments. 

MPS is excited to partner with our students, parents and guardians on the #WeAreMpowered program for each of our students! Stakeholder voice is important to us and this program will continue to evolve through student, parent and staff voice!

Check out the initiative here:

Class Intercom

The Class Intercom content team offers powerful perspective on social media content, technology, and management for schools and districts. Our approach is one of seamless collaboration, scheduling, moderation, and archival—all backed by powerful pedagogy.