Report Shows Schools Tackling Social Media Issues by Allowing Students to Create Their Social Content
Administrators | Announcement | Blog
Data-informed social media decisions can take your communication strategy to the next level.
5 Crucial Reasons for Data-Informed Social Media
Administrators | Blog | Community Building
Data-informed social media decisions can take your communication strategy to the next level.
It Isn’t a Problem. . .Until It Is: How Schools Manage Social Media
Administrators | Blog | PR Professionals
School leaders should invest in social media management software to protect staff, students, and the district.
If You Post It, They Will Come: How Schools Communicate on Social Media
Blog | Community Building | PR Professionals
What platforms are schools using to reach their target audiences? Data shows a variety including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube,…
Three Myths about Student-Led Social Media
Administrators | Blog | Educators
How do you build a student-led social media team? School administrators can use project based learning methods to offer students…
Takeaways from The Big Easy #NSPRA2021
Blog | Conference | PR Professionals
How can you improve communication in school? Public Relations personnel are professional storytellers not afraid to address their struggles and…
PIVOT: Three Lessons to be Learned from Friends
Blog | PR Professionals | Public Relations
The past year has called for educational leaders--especially those responsible for communications during the pandemic--to pivot on multiple occasions. Learn…
Reigniting a Passion for Education after a Year Fraught with Burnout
Blog | Educators |
This past year’s proverbial dumpster fire has caused more burnout among educators than any other challenge in recent history. From…
Making the Jump from School Administrator to EdTech Leader
Announcement | Blog |
In 2017, managing my school’s social media accounts as a high school administrator quickly became a part-time job on top…
Communicating about “Back to Normal”
Administrators | Blog | Community Building
“Back to Normal” It’s what so many of us have longed for so many months. A way to get back…
What We Learned from Teachers Using Social Media
Blog | Educators | Storytelling
At the beginning of 2021, the Class Intercom team met to discuss how we could support and encourage teachers. After…
2021: The Year of Social Media Archiving
Blog | Skill Building | Tech Professionals
Why Every School Should be Archiving Social Media When it comes to school communication and social media, effective communication packaged…