Do a Twitter Takeover with Students without Passwords on a Sticky Note
Administrators | Blog | Digital Citizenship
How do you manage social media passwords at your school? For some schools, this means writing them down on a…
Safely Creating Purposeful Content to Increase Social Engagement
Administrators | Blog | Digital Leadership
How do you safely create purposeful content to increase social engagement? During our summer webinar series, Safely Creating Purposeful Content…
Building a Social Media Team with Students at Your School
Administrators | Blog | Digital Leadership
Do you want to learn how to build a social media team with students at your school? If the idea…
Lewis Central Creates Authentic and Consistent Social Media Content by Connecting Students and Staff
Administrators | Blog | Digital Leadership
Emojis are the new language in digital media. While written content is important, visual media has become the most popular…
Nebraska Student Recognized at Twitter Headquarters
Announcement | Blog | Educators
LINCOLN, Neb. (September 2017) – A recent Grand Island Northwest High School graduate Mitch Fisher, received the invitation of a…
Aurora High School Students Experience DC; Allow Twitter Followers to Stay Connected
Blog | Educators | Student Voice
Every year, Aurora High School American History Teacher, Brenda Klawonn partners with American Government teacher, Kyle Peterson to provide an…
Empowering Students to Be Digital Leaders
Blog | Educators | Student Voice
Originally posted on Tim Huls‘ Medium site here. “Teachers are no longer the gatekeepers of information. Educators have been outsourced by…
All the Kids Are Doing It!
Administrators | Blog | Digital Citizenship
Does anyone remember life before social media? You know…the PT (Pre-Twitter) era? How about a day in your life when…
Case Study: Social Animals
Blog | Educators | Skill Building
Our team recently viewed the documentary, “Social Animals” on Netflix. This documentary follows 3 teenagers and their use of Instagram.…
Social Media Management Tools Proven to Minimize Risk
Blog | Conference | Digital Citizenship
There are many reasons schools need a social media management tool and solid social media communications plan. When I consult…
3 Actions to Take When a Fake School Account is Created
Administrators | Blog | Digital Leadership
As a school administrator, teacher, or PR professional, it’ll come as no surprise that some kids in your school are…