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3 Ways to Inspire Students to Create Content at Your School

By February 18, 20204 min read

If you’re struggling with getting students to create content for your school, you’re not alone. 

Even though many students are super users of social media, it doesn’t necessarily mean they know how to create engaging content or understand branding and marketing concepts, especially when it comes to marketing a school. Since Class Intercom was founded, we’ve learned that many students are eager to create content but still need guidance when it comes to creating quality content. Our success as a company is because of educators who went the extra mile to guide their students. This is where school administrators and teachers like you can create great content and help raise up the next generation of content creators. 

Here is what we’ve learned from our schools and those who have actually made student-generated content a reality. 

1. Offer a class | Michele Niec, Davidson Academy

A social media class isn’t like a math or science class. There will not be a test for students to take. However, they will learn how to write copy for social, design graphics and learn more about digital marketing. In a class format, students get a designated time each day to create, collaborate and communicate as a team. Feedback from students who have been a part of a social media class says that time management is what they learned most. Many students mentioned they didn’t think about all the time it takes to create even one post. 

Michele’s class taught students to ask the following questions:

  • Who is my target audience?
  • What should my copy be for this post? 
  • When should I schedule this post to be published?
  • Which social media platforms should this be published to?

Having a class that is built into the school’s curriculum is a great opportunity for students and teachers. 

2. Organize a club | Clay Reisler, Pulaski High School

Joining a club is nothing new to a high school student. However, a club that is focused on creating and promoting their school through social media might be a new concept. If a class format is not an option for your school the next best choice is to organize a club. Developing a club will require a designated staff/teacher to be the advisor.

Benefits of organizing a club according to Clay:

  • A club offers flexibility to choose when to meet with your group. This could be before or after school. Several schools use a homeroom time or free period during the day as well. 
  • It offers consistency. The goal is to find a time that you can consistently meet as a team. This creates a routine and expectation when content needs to be done and reported on.
  • It offers a chance for collaboration and time management skills. Brainstorming and assigning content is important. Using your time wisely is key when thinking about a club format. 

The main advantage of a club is that you could start it tomorrow with minimal time and preparation. 

3. Create an Internship | Josh Allen, Lewis Central CSD

Typically an internship requires students to leave the building to gain experience based on their interests. What if that model was flipped and students had the opportunity to be a social media intern for their school? This new model is now being adopted by schools across the country. It gives students an authentic learning experience in the comfort of their own school. For students interested in learning how to create social media content, this is a win-win because students can earn internship credit and contribute to their school’s social media accounts. 

Additional thoughts from Josh Allen:

  • This requires dedicated time to work on projects and flexibility for students. 
  • An internship program is a great option for schools that don’t have the opportunity to offer a class or club.

If you’re looking to include one of these strategies or even all three, Class Intercom is the perfect solution to helping you manage a class, club or internship opportunity for content generation. As Josh Allen mentioned, “Class Intercom allows students to work in an environment that is more realistic. They can craft and execute the message from start to finish and the teacher only needs to push one button to approve. If we didn’t have Class Intercom, I honestly don’t think I’d dedicate the time or have the patience to let students be a part of this process.”

Learn more about how you can use Class Intercom to empower student-generated social media at your school. Request a demo today.

Jill Johnson

Over her 30 year career in education, Dr. Jill has served in various roles including secondary ELA teacher, professional development consultant, and high school administrator. After completing her doctoral study, Technology Leadership Qualities in Secondary Principals in Nebraska who Support Student-led Social Media Teams, Jill began her tenure as Class Intercom President.