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While 2020 was a challenging year for all of us, it was also a catalyst for improved social media communication strategies. So, what did schools and districts do this year that propelled them to a successful year? What were the learning moments that arose from failure and lead to more desirable outcomes?

To gather all of this knowledge acquired during an unprecedented year, Class Intercom surveyed school communicators, educators, administrators, and technology professionals from public and private schools across the country. Compiling this information from schools and districts, Class Intercom developed the 2020-2021 Social Media Trends in Education Report.

During this webinar, Class Intercom will share:

  • How districts can improve social communications at a pandemic pace.
  • How schools are giving students a voice on social.
  • How schools and districts are using social advertising and analytics to help schools target communications.
  • Plus how educators are using TikTok to engage with students!
Watch the Recording