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Owning the Narrative: Lessons in Storytelling & Social Media for Schools & Districts

January 18 at 3:30 p.m. CST

The stories that get told about your students, staff, schools, and districts translate into powerful sentiments–both positive and negative. The importance of owning these stories and the narrative that emerges from them simply cannot be overstated. Indeed, schools and school districts are chock-full of unique moments, experiences, and people. The reality is that if you don’t own the stories being told about your school community, someone else will

Life-long educator and former school administrator Dr. Jill Johnson of Class Intercom will host school administrator, accomplished speaker, and published author Brandon Mowinkel for a pointed discussion on storytelling. Brandon offers a unique perspective that includes teaching, education administration, theory, and practice. Brandon’s dissertation research centers specifically on the role principals play in storytelling and the unique impact they can have on students. His experiences range from outcomes driven by local school board meetings to Washington, D.C., where lobbying efforts for change and funding are driven by impact stories that sway hearts and minds. 

When it comes to curating and sharing these powerful stories, there’s perhaps no better place than social media. In this webinar, we’ll examine the importance of storytelling from multiple angles. We’ll dive deep into school and district narratives and the responsibility of owning them amid issues ranging from ACT scores to teacher shortages and special education funding at the local, state, and national levels.

Key Takeaways 

  1. Best practices for framing stories to achieve specific goals, including advocacy work 
  2. Tips for highlighting strengths and positive impact through key moments happening at schools on a daily basis 
  3. How to capture and curate stories–including asking the right questions, outlining strategy and policy, and empowering storytellers  
  4. How to curate and share stories across channels your stakeholders and community frequent