Communicating about “Back to Normal”
Administrators | Blog | Community Building
“Back to Normal” It’s what so many of us have longed for so many months. A way to get back…
What We Learned from Teachers Using Social Media
Blog | Educators | Storytelling
At the beginning of 2021, the Class Intercom team met to discuss how we could support and encourage teachers. After…
2021: The Year of Social Media Archiving
Blog | Skill Building | Tech Professionals
Why Every School Should be Archiving Social Media When it comes to school communication and social media, effective communication packaged…
How to Craft Real Social Content
Blog | Educators | PR Professionals
We Want to Celebrate You | The Content Generation Award
Administrators | Announcement | Blog
Over this past year, our team has seen educators overcome obstacles, channel creativity, and flat-out perform miracles in order to…
What Schools Learned from Social Media in the Pandemic Pace
Blog | Case Study | PR Professionals
The last ten months have thrust those in education into unknown territory. Educators had to establish processes in areas where…
How Social Media in Schools is Changing in 2021 – Five Trends
Blog | PR Professionals | Storytelling
This year more than ever, social media played a large role in schools’ day-to-day. Fast, efficient communication became crucial. Developing…
Shifting Focus in School Social Media
Blog | Digital Leadership | PR Professionals
It’s always challenging working in school PR, but the pressure is even greater as we navigate through COVID-19. Since last…
3 Ways Your School Can Prepare for a Social Media FOIA Request
Administrators | Blog | Digital Leadership
It’s no secret that COVID-19 is presenting new challenges for schools especially when it comes to public relations and social…