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#ICE19: Building a Student Social Media Team at Your School

By March 18, 20192 min read

Joining over 3,000 educators from across the state of Illinois and the surrounding area, our team attended the 2019 Illinois Computing Educators (ICE) conference. Hosted at the Schaumburg Convention Center, this year proved to be another success and we were glad to participate.

Class Intercom had the opportunity to lead a session to share with educators about why student-run social media is important. We shared specific examples of how Class Intercom has been able to help give students a voice while saving teachers and administrators time. It was a great opportunity for our team to share what we are so passionate about. We loved the tweets we were able to engage with and we were excited to meet the educators who are wanting to take that next step into sharing their school’s story.



Jill Johnson

Over her 30 year career in education, Dr. Jill has served in various roles including secondary ELA teacher, professional development consultant, and high school administrator. After completing her doctoral study, Technology Leadership Qualities in Secondary Principals in Nebraska who Support Student-led Social Media Teams, Jill began her tenure as Class Intercom President.