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Class Intercom + Digital Citizenship Institute

Working Together to Transform the Narrative around Social Media and Create Responsible Digital Citizens

The partnership between the Digital Citizenship Institute (DCI) and Class Intercom aligns both organizations en route to an important outcome: responsible use of technology and social media at school, home, play, and work. In combining efforts, Class Intercom and the Digital Citizenship Institute help schools to instill responsible narratives and practices around social media, while also providing them the ability to ensure that students and staff understand and practice good digital citizenship in the classroom and beyond.

Key Benefits

  • The Digital Citizenship Institute offers schools the resources they need to use and manage the fast-evolving digital landscape safely and responsibly.
  • Class Intercom provides schools a meaningful way to teach, practice, and measure digital citizenship via its software (an authentic assessment tool), curricular supports, student and educator trainings, its ambassador program, student competitions and events, and more. 
  • Working together, these tools provide training and framework for instilling responsible digital citizenship and a secure social media management platform that lets students and staff put what they learn to great use for their schools and school communities.

About the Digital Citizenship Institute

Digital Citizenship is about human connections online. The Digital Citizenship Institute views digital citizenship as an action, something that we need to practice and do every single day. In today’s interconnected world, this is our opportunity to put global education into practice to empower others. Join us to become a change-maker in your community.

Events & Collaborations

The Impact of Digital Citizenship on School Culture

Social media expert and business leader Ben Pankonin hosts the Digital Citizenship Institute’s Dr. Marialice Curran for a discussion about how schools are taking a hands-on approach to digital citizenship and advancing conversations around AI tools an technology that help students learn in concrete and impactful ways.

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Dig Cit Symposium

A hands-on workshop devoted to information literacy and digital citizenship proudly sponsored by Class Intercom. Learn how to incorporate these skills and concepts into current K-12 curriculum to empower students in their navigation, consumption, and creation of their current world.

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The Urgency of Digital Citizenship in the Time of Social Media, AI, & Evolving Technology

Free Webinar
Life-long educator and former school administrator Dr. Jill Johnson of Class Intercom hosts the Digital Citizenship Institute’s Dr. Marialice Curran for a timely look at the topic from multiple angles. We land on concrete takeaways that help schools and districts define, teach, cultivate, and model digital citizenship in the classroom and beyond.

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Nebraska Student Recognized at Twitter Headquarters

A recent Grand Island Northwest High School graduate Mitch Fisher, received the invitation of a lifetime to share his school’s social media story at the #Digital4Good event hosted by Twitter at their headquarters in San Francisco on September 18.

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