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How to Create Class Promo Videos for Social Media

Insights from Student Content Creators

By April 30, 20243 min read

Our class registration promo videos were some of the most successful social media content we published through our school’s social media pages this year! We worked with school staff to highlight the classes they love teaching and show students all the exciting activities that happen in the elective courses. Our student social media team created the videos during the last two weeks of January, and then released two to three of them each day in the week leading up to class registration for the upcoming semester. The videos gained strong engagement online and made teachers and students excited to explore new courses. Here is a quick, step-by-step walkthrough of how we did it for schools and content creators looking to launch a similar project. 

Step One: Prep

To begin our project of showcasing classes at Kearney High, all five of us student content interns chose three classes to make videos for, which allowed us to present 15 classes in total. We blocked out two weeks to get our videos finalized.

Next, we emailed and met with the teachers for each of the classes to coordinate the times they teach the class and determine which days classes would be doing the best activity to showcase for other students what the class is all about.

With our classes, dates, and times determined, we each scheduled out when we would go visit the class to record video footage.

Step Two: Record

Going to record the classes was the most exciting part about this project! We got to get involved with the class for a day and see what each entails. We made sure to get a variety of shots, including interactive clips, close-up shots of what the students were doing, and interviews with students. 

Editor’s Note:

The following is a piece by high school students Avery and Jayna, both part of the student social media team. At Class Intercom, we’re passionate about empowering content creators to learn new skills and evolve existing ones. That includes formal instruction in the classroom, learning by doing, and experimenting with tools and ideas. The next step is sharing that knowledge with others. The Insights from Student Content Creators series allows students to share their knowledge and experiences with a global audience

As we captured video footage, we made sure to stay in the mindset of what students getting ready to register for classes would want to see, treating each video like an advertisement for the class. While recording it was super fun to get teachers involved with the process of making the promo videos.

Step Three: Edit and Post

Once footage was collected, we focused on editing it together into a cohesive video. We spent a lot of time putting together our videos and were diligent about ensuring a lot of movement so they would be engaging to the student eye. We also made an intro slide and an outro slide using canva. Each included the course name, registration number, and prerequisites. We added some catchy music and saved each video for review.

Two different teachers reviewed our posts, so we had plenty of feedback to make the videos the best they could be. We made our final edits and the videos were ready to post.

We scheduled two videos each day to be published on our school’s social media account for the next week, one for the morning and one for the afternoon. The videos went out the week before student registration, so students could consider them as they determined which classes they might want to register for.

This story is part of a series called Insights from Student Content Creators. If you know a student, educator, or community member with a skill or story to share about the power of content and storytelling, send them our way! Amplifying student voices and sharing authentic stories is at the core of Class Intercom. Drop us a line and let’s get in touch.

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Avery and Jayna

Avery and Jayna are seniors at Kearney High School, where both are part of the student social media team. Avery has been on the team for two years and is planning to attend the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in the fall. Jayna is a student pilot with 60+ hours of flight time, and will attend flight school next year to finish her training.