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2022 Content Generation Award Educator Finalist – Benny Crane, Jr. and Stacy Lambert-Johnson

By March 21, 20221 min read

Scholarly Speaking Live is a weekly Facebook Live and podcast Dr. Stacy Lambert-Johnson, Director of Student Success, and Benny Crane, Jr., Assistant Director of Student Success, do every Thursday at 12:01 for the school’s parents. This initiative resonated out of sharing with parents why public school educators choose private schools for their children. In its 40 episodes, Stacy and Benny have shared parenting tips that can translate to happy children and more engaged students.

Watch episodes of Scholarly Speaking Live on The Academy of Scholars website, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Instagram. You can download the podcast, Scholarly Speaking Live, on your favorite podcast platform.

Check out the initiative here:

Benny Crane, Jr. and Stacy Lambert-Johnson

Class Intercom

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