Research-Based Educational Strategies

Supported By Class Intercom

Apply Knowledge 

This educational strategy focuses on providing students with opportunities to actively engage in real-world situations, problems, or tasks that require the application of their acquired knowledge and skills. This approach aims to bridge the gap between theoretical understanding and practical application, allowing students to transfer their learning to authentic contexts and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Utilize Authentic Assessment 

Authentic assessment is an educational strategy that aims to evaluate students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities in real-world contexts and meaningful situations. It focuses on assessing students’ abilities to apply what they have learned in authentic and relevant ways, rather than relying solely on traditional standardized tests or rote memorization. This form of assessment provides a more comprehensive understanding of students’ capabilities, as it allows them to demonstrate their skills through practical tasks, projects, and performances.

Encourage Collaboration 

Student collaboration is an educational strategy that involves students working together in groups or teams to achieve common learning goals. It emphasizes active participation, interaction, and cooperation among students, fostering a sense of shared responsibility for learning outcomes. This approach recognizes the value of social interaction and collaborative problem-solving in enhancing students’ understanding and retention of knowledge. Collaboration also enhances students’ communication and interpersonal skills as they engage in meaningful dialogue and negotiation with their peers. By working together, students can tap into each other’s strengths, learn from diverse perspectives, and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Build Self-Efficacy 

As an educational strategy, student self-efficacy involves creating an environment that fosters and enhances students’ confidence in their abilities to learn and perform well. It recognizes that students’ beliefs about their capabilities greatly influence their motivation, effort, and academic achievement. By promoting self-efficacy, educators aim to empower students to take charge of their own learning, persist in the face of obstacles, and develop a growth mindset.

Engage with the Content that has Local and Global Relevance 

This strategy aims at fostering active learning and maximizing student involvement in the learning process. When students are actively engaged with the content, they are more likely to understand and retain information, develop critical thinking skills, and apply their knowledge effectively. Making education relevant to students’ lives and connecting it to real-world issues and contexts is crucial. Incorporating local examples, case studies, and community involvement can foster engagement and a deeper understanding of concepts. Additionally, incorporating global perspectives and issues can promote cultural competency and prepare students for a globalized world.

Offer Choice and Autonomy 

Student choice and autonomy in education refer to providing students with opportunities to make decisions about their learning and giving them a sense of ownership and control over their educational experience. This approach recognizes that students have unique interests, learning styles, and strengths, and empowers them to take an active role in shaping their learning journey. Content choice is an educational strategy that involves allowing students to have a say in selecting the topics, materials, and resources they engage with during their studies.

Provide Feedback 

Providing feedback is an essential educational strategy that plays a crucial role in the learning process. Feedback involves giving information or guidance to learners about their performance, progress, or understanding of a particular subject or skill. It aims to support and enhance learning by highlighting strengths, addressing weaknesses, and promoting further improvement.

Present Multiple Exposures 

Multiple exposures is an educational strategy that involves presenting learners with the same material or concepts multiple times over a period of time. The primary goal of this strategy is to enhance learning and retention by reinforcing knowledge through repeated exposure. The underlying principle of multiple exposures is based on the spacing effect, which suggests that information is better remembered when it is encountered multiple times with intervals in between.

Incorporate Reflection and Metacognition 

Reflection and metacognition are educational strategies that promote deep learning and enhance students’ ability to think critically and self-regulate their learning process. These strategies encourage students to actively engage in thinking about their own thinking and learning experiences, enabling them to develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter and become more independent learners.

Release Responsibility 

The gradual release of responsibility is an educational strategy that emphasizes a shift in the instructional responsibility from the teacher to the students. It is a framework designed to support students’ learning and development by gradually transferring the responsibility for learning from the teacher to the learner. The goal is to empower students to become independent and proficient learners.